E128/729. Exchequer Special Commissions of Enquiry Dorset CERNE, CHARMINSTER, GILLINGHAM, HINTON MARY, FORDINGTON INQUISITION AS TO THE COPYHOLD LANDS OF THE MANORS 42 ELIZABETH 1 [1599-1600] (1) First Folio: ![]()
prooffe taken on the behalf of her Ma[jes]ty concerninge the Mannors of Cerne Charminster Gillyngham Henton Mary and ffordington in the Countie of Dors. Roll at any time wthin twelve years before Michas laste paste or sythence of any of the landes or ~ Tenemts of the same Mannors And for what yearely Rent./ 2. Itm what somes of money or other consideracon valuable, and to what value have bene given or paide, and by whome for or in respect of every the same estate And howe much thereof hath bene paid or delivred to her Mate use, And howe much to or for any other pson And for whome/ 3. Itm what heryotte have happened wthin the said Mannor and what value wthin the ~ ~ tyms aforesaid, and to whome delivred 4. Itm what are the copyhold lande wthin every the said Mannor to be esteemed well worth yearely above the anncient Rent as tenn tymes more in value than the anncient rent more or less accordinge to a reasonable estimate./ 5. Itm what cheqr Leases have bene taken wthin any of the said Mannors of any the copyholde – of the same Mannors, and by whome and when, and what the nowe tennte have paide for the same, and to whome. Ffansgride [?] ~ Tho. ffansgride [?] Second Folio: (In Latin, not transcribed) ![]() Third Folio:
Willm Gibbes & John xertrovne_ of by __ of the Regent Mat commissio_ [remainder illegible] Whyost date is the xjth daye of ____ yeare foresaide upon ___ [illegible] Rogr Keate gent John Gorlde Jeames Gorlde Robte Cusson Thomas Emes Peter Sa[vage] Willyam Rasker John ___ [remainder of line illegible] // [illegible] above the rent @ vjl p Ann. ¢ Willm Wynsor holdeth by copie dated x Rne [ ~ 1567/8] one whole place p Reddit @ xviiijs vd worth yerely ___ [crease - illegible]// __ ¢ Ambrose White holdeth by copie grannted ix yeres past [ ~ 1591] halfe a place p Reddit @ xiijs iiijd ffine @ iiijl worth p Ann @vjl and that he paid no other // [illegible] __ to Anye other pson for or in respect of that grannte./ ¢ Richard Wills holdeth by copye grannted vj yeres past [ ~ 1594] halfe a place p redd @ xiijs iiijd worth // [p Ann] @ vjl clare ffine @ iiijl And paid for herriot custome @ xijd upon the death of his ffather who died v yeres past [~ 1595] ¢ Dorothie Thorne holdeth by copie dated //] ___ halfe a place p Reddit @ xiijs iiijd worth p Ann vjl clare. ¢ The same Dorothie holdeth by copie dated xxviij Rne [ ~ 1582/3] a ffarthinghold p reddit @ xijs worth clare p // [Ann @] vijs viijd ¢ Robert Bartlett holdeth by copie grannted xiiij yeres past [ ~ 1586] a ffarthinghold and a halfe place Rent @ xijs for the ffarthinghold and @ xiijs iiijd for the // halfe place the halfe place worth by the yere clare @ vjl the ffarthinghold @ iijl vjs viijd. ¢ Roger Wynsor holdeth by copie grannted ix Rne [ ~ 1566/7] a halfe place Rent @ xiijs iiijd // [worth] clare above the rent @ vjl ¢ John fforde holdeth by copie grannted xvij yeres past [ ~ 1583] one ffarthingholde rent @ xijs worth clare p Ann @ iijl vjs viijd ¢ The same John // [holdeth] by copie grannted iij yeres past [~ 1597] another ffarthing hold p Reddit @ xijs worth clare p Ann @ iijl vjs viijd ffine @ xls herriot none because yt was upon Surrender ¢ Peter Savage // [holdeth by] copie grannted iiij yeres past [ ~ 1596] one ffarthinghold Rent @ xijs worth clare p Ann @ iijl vjs viijd ffine @ xls and no herriot because he had it by surrender of John Willyams. Item // the same John Willyams about ix yeres past [~ 1591] ffyned for the same ffarthing hold at @ xiijs iiijd uppon the surrender of his wyfe. ¢ The same Peter holdeth by copie grannted @ x yeres past [~1590] // a whole place Rent @ xxijs jd worth clare p Ann @ xijl ffine @ viijl herriot because yt was upon Surrender. ¢ Thoms Eemes holdeth by copie grannted about @ viij yeres past [ ~ 1592] one // halfe place in the east tithenge Rent @ xiijs iiijd worth clare @ vjl ffine @ iiijl no herriott because yt was upon his owne surrender. ¢ The same Thoms Emes holdeth by copie// grannted about viij yeres past [~1592] another halfe place in the west tythinge Rent @ xiijs iiijd worth clare @ vjl ffine @ iiijl no herryott because yt was upon his owne surrender.// ¢ Anthonie Barnes holdeth by copie grannted Ann xlj Rne [~ 1599] one whole place Rent @ xxijs jd worth clare p Ann @ xijl ffine @ viijl no herriott because yt was upon his owne Surrender ¢ John // Ingram holdeth by copie dated xvi Rne [~ 1574] one halfe place Rent @ xijs ixd worth clare p Ann @ vjl ¢ John Wills holdeth by copie grannted vij yeres past [~ 1593/4] half a place, Rent xiijs iiijd worth clare // p Ann @ vjl ffine @ iiijl And paid a herriot custome @ xijd upon the death of his ffather who died viij yeres past [~1592/3] ¢ Richard Warren holdeth by copie dated ix Rne [~ 1566/7] one halfe place Rent @ xijs ixd worth clare // p Ann @ vjl ¢ Willm Rasker holdeth by copie dated xxviij Rne [~ 1582/3] one whole place Rent @ xiijs vijd worth clare p Ann @ vjl The same Willm holdeth by copye grannted the same yere one other // halfe place Rent @ xiijs vijd worthe clare p Ann @ vjl the same Willm holdeth by copie grannted the same yere one other halfe place Rent @ xiijs vijd worth clare p Ann @ vjl ¢ John // Wynsor holdeth by copie grannted Anno xlj Rne [~1598/9] one whole place Rent @ xxijs jd worth clare p Ann xijl ffine @ viijl noe herriott because yt was upon his brothers surrender ¢ Willm // Byrd holdeth by copie grannted iiij & v th of Marie [ ~ 1557-58] one whole place Rent @ xxijs jd worth clare p Ann @ xijl ¢ Elizabeth Corbyn widowe holdeth by widdowes estate halfe a place // Rent @ xvs jd worth clare p Ann vjl no ffine nor herriot due within this xij yeres ¢ Willm Crymble holdeth by copie grannted xiiij yeres past [ ~ 1586] halfe a place Rent @ xiijs vijd worth // clare p Ann @ vjl and xijd herriot custome upon the death of his ffather who died about vj yeres past [ie ~ 1594/5] ¢ John Hennynge holdeth by copie grannted above xxty yeres past [~ 1580] one halfe place // Rent @ xvs jd worth clare p Ann @ vjl , ¢ Willm Bascombe Sen holdeth by copie grannted xvj Rne [~1584/5] one ffarthing holde Rent @ xiijs vjd worth clare p Ann @ iijl vjs viijd ¢ Willm// Bascombe Jun holdeth by copie grannted xxviij Rne [~ 1582/3] one ffarthing holde Rent @ xijs worth clare p Ann @ iijl vjs viijd ¢ Alice Topp holdeth by widdowes estate a halfe place Rent @ xiijs iiijd // worth clare p Ann @ vjl ¢ John White Jun holdeth by copie dated xx Rne [ ~1580] a whole place Rent @ xxijs jd worth clare p Ann @ xijl ¢ Robert Ingram holdeth by copie dated xx // Rne [ ~ 1580] a ffarthinghold Rent @ xijs worth clare p Ann @ iijl vjs viijd ¢ John White deceased tooke by copie grannted after Michlas last [~1599] one whole place Rent @ xxijs jd worth clare p // Ann @ xijl & vs herriot customrye upon his death & his widdowe is now tennt by the custome ffine @ viijl, ¢ Richard Seger holdeth by copie grannted about iiij yeres past[~ 1596] one halfe // place Rent @ xvjs jd worth clare p Anno @ vjl ffine @ iiijl , ¢ The same Richard Seager holdeth by copie grannted about iiij yeres past [~ 1596] one ffarthinghold Rent @ xijs worth clare p An__ // @ ijl vjs viijd ffine @xls ¢ Robert Cosens holdeth by copie grannted about ix yeres past [~ 1591] one whole place Rent @ xxijs jd worth clare p Ann @ xijl ffine @ viijl ¢ Richard // __wer holdeth by copie grannted to Johane his wife about xxty yeres past [~ 1580] one whole place Rent @ xxijs jd worth clare p Ann @ xijl ¢ Robert Bun holdeth by copye grannted // about xxty yeres past [~ 1580] one halfe place Rent @ xiijs iiijd worth clare p Ann @ vjl ¢ Johan Skutt widowe holdeth by copie dated xxxiij Rne [ ~ 1590/1] one cottage Rent @ ijs jd worth // clare p Ann @ vjs viijd ffine @ xs ¢ Willm Clowter holdeth by copie dated xxiij Rne [ ~ 1580/1] one cottage Rent @ ijs jd worth clare p Ann @ vjs viijd ¢ John Bun holdeth by // copye dated xij Rne [ ~ 1569/70] one cottage Rent @ vd worth clare p Ann vjs viijd, ¢ Thomas Tetman holdeth by copie grannted about xv yeres past [ ~ 1585] one cottage Rent @ ixd // worth clare p Ann @ vs. ¢ Julian Yeomans holdeth by copie dated @ xxiiij Rne [ ~ 1581/2] one cottage & curtilage Rent @ vd worth clare p Ann @ iiijl. ¢ Elizabeth Jolief holdeth // by copie grannted about @ xv yeres past [ ~ 1585] one cottage Rent @ ixd worth clare p Ann @ vs. ¢ Willm Belman holdeth by copie grannted xxxvj yeares past [ ~ 1564] one cottage // lately built upon the wast rent @ xijd worth clare p Ann @ ijs ¢ Richard Seager in the right of his wyfe holdeth by copie dated xxiij Rne [ ~ 1581] one cottage Rent @ xviijd worth clare // p Ann @ vjs viijd, ¢ Richard Bartlett holdeth by copie grannted ij yeres past [ ~ 1598] one cottage rent @ ixd worth clare p Ann @ iiijs ffine @ vjs viijd ¢ Eme Toopes holdeth by copye // grannted xxxty yeres past [~1570] one cottage Rent @ ijs worth clare p Ann @ vjs viijd . ¢ Willm Wynsor holdeth by copye grannted xiiij yeres past [~ 1586] one cottage Rent @ ijs jd // worth clare p Ann @ vjs viijd ¢ Robert Wynsor holdeth by copie grannted xxty yeres past [ ~ 1580] one cottage by the rent of @ iiijd worth clare p Ann @ iiijs and they farther // depose that there was no ffurther nor other ffyne rewarde nor consideracon gyven to anye pson or psons for or in respect or consideracon of the said grannte & estate on any // of them to be had or obteyned then and aforesaid wthn the tyme or tymes above other than such consideracons as hath byn gyven emongest the tennte for Surrendr to be had from such of them as sold their estates // to any other of the tennte wch took more estates therupon as aforesaid to their knowledge and ffarther they said that there herriotts there are reuson by custome viz uppo the lette// of everie coppieholde tenante dyinge seased of a whole place @ vs ffor a halfe place @ xijd ffor a ffarthingholde @ vjd and that uppo surrender no heriotts have byne paid not uppo the deathe // or fforfeyture of any widowes holdinge for widdowes estate nor ffor any cottage / And they saye that the Rents ffines & pfytts of the Mannor due to the Quene have byne paid and payable to // the __ of the duchie of cornewall whereof this mannor ys pcell:/ Itm the tenants there alledge this mannor to be anncyent demayne and they clayme a custome in the taxaycon // of ther ffynes // viz that yf the Stewarde and the tenante cane not agree uppo a resonable ffyne then the Le Ryve and homage ought to taxe ther ffynes uppo ther other, by menes whereof their // ffine have allwaies byne resonable./ Thomas Hastings John Willyams Edmund Uredall Willm Gibbes John Strode [Reverse of folio] Lib__ m Cur xvto die Octobris Anno xlij Regne Elizabeth [1600] per man [by the hand of] Willm Gybbes Ar[miger] vu Comissionar infra pt_ Genalogical Notes:- (1) 42 Regnal Year of Elizabeth I ran from 17th Nov 1599 to 16 Nov 1600 |